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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Anthurium andreanum

Scientific Name: Anthurium andreanum
Common Name: Flamingo flower ; Flamingo lily ; Oilcloth flower; Painter's palette

  • light shade
  • Temperature 18 - 24 degree celsius
  • keep moist and fed

One of the most spectacular of all the flowering plants grown in pots, this needs a temperature in excess of 18 degree celsius and a high degree of humidity to give of its best. Flowers may be pink, white or red, with the latter being the colour most frequently seen. As cut floers A. andreanum has no peers.

Flowers are borne on long stalks and from the time they are cut they have a full six weeks of life when placed in water, and will last much longer if left on the plant.

Obtaining plants may be difficult, but they can be raised from seed and germinated in a temperature of not less than 24 degree celsius. However, it will be several years before the plants produce exotic flowers. Leaves are large, carried on long petioles, and have an arrow-shaped appearance. Use an open leafy mix when potting on, and keep the plants well watered, misted, and away from direct sunlight.

To encourage bloom: Provide humid conditions


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