Kokyo Higashi Gyoen (Imperial Palace East Garden )

This well-kept garden was made at the remains of the inner enclosure of the Edo castle. Splendid cherry trees, trees from all over Japan, and Ninomaru Garden are in it, and this garden is one size smaller than that of Shinjuku Gyoen Imperial Garden. It is open to the public and people are allowed to enter through the Otemon gate near Tokyo station, or through the Hirakawa gate near Ochanomizu station in a northerly direction, or through North Checkpoint Bridge near the Modern Arts Museum.

It is open everyday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. except Mondays and Friday, and no admission fee is required. On entering you will receive a small plastic tag, and it is collected at an exit when you leave. After the gates are closed, if the numbers of those tags do not match, the persons in charge search the garden all over. Since the garden is next to the Imperial Palace, the guard is very strict. A police car is patrolling in the garden, and there nobody drinks alcohol under the cherry blossoms. Since there are some benches and people may enter some areas on the green, there were some who were eating their lunch.

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